New Rules for Employment Allowance

The Government has published draft legislation for the new restrictions which will apply to the NI employment allowance (EA) from April 2020. Will your business be affected, and if so, how? Employment Allowance (EA). Since April 2014, most employers have been entitled...

VAT Reverse Charge

The intention to introduce a domestic reverse charge for construction services was announced in 2017. The change will shift the responsibility for accounting for the VAT on ‘specified services’ from the supplier on to the recipient of the supply. The change will be...

Employing close family – tax efficient or tax trap?

Having a spouse or your children on the payroll of your business can be tax effect as long as HMRC will wear it. Where do you stand if the taxman challenges your claim for a tax deduction? Tax deductible or not A particular area of contention between businesses and...

Exempt employer payments for homeworking

There’s more than one way to compensate your staff tax and NI free for costs they incur when they work from home. The rules for each are quite different but is one more generous than the others? Three exemptions Despite the existence of three separate tax and NI...