Avoiding late payment penalties

These days HMRC is taking a tougher line where self-assessment payments are paid late. What penalties can you expect if you don’t pay on time and is there a way to avoid them if you can’t afford to pay? Deadline For most people who haven’t submitted...

Auto enrolment and your business

Are there any tax issues you should consider before enrolling in a workplace pension scheme? For large companies pension auto enrolment has been in place for almost a year but it will soon affect almost all companies. In mid-2015 all employers with 30 or less...

Improvements to RTI reporting

HMRC have made changes to the RTI employer payment summaries (EPSs) to reduce the number of discrepancies between their records and employers records. HMRC has blamed most of the discrepancies on inaccurate reporting however it is more likely due to the delay in the...

Shared parental leave

What is Shared Parental Leave and Pay? The Government is changing the statutory pay and leave entitlements for employed parents. For babies due or adopted children matched or placed on or after 5 April 2015 there will be a new entitlement of shared parental pay and...